I watch water a lot. I hike by water, I look at the flow, the color, the movement, the light of water. I study how it moves around rocks, slides past the muddy banks, slips into sand. I feel like I have a visual vocabulary of water and I associate each of those visuals with feelings I get out on the trail. Water falls and rushing water, does energize me. I want to move around the next bend, see what is further on. Lazy streams, do make me a bit lazy, they slow me down. I observe more. Still water, reflective water invites me to sit. There are times I choose a hike because of the type of water I will find there and what I am seeking that day.
This piece, Los Penesquitos, captures so much of the different types of water. I sit by this water rushing by, but also get to see the still water beyond. Sometimes it is knowing still water is out there, within view, that gets us through the uncontrollable waterfalls of our lives.
Moving to Calm Waters - Los Penesquitos Canyon